Jeff McDonald photographed this female peregrine falcon on Cork-Bocktown Road in Findlay Township, Allegheny County today.
As you can see below, he captured a really good image of her bands: Black/Red 62/H.
This means I could find out who she is. Drum roll….
She’s a female named Magnum who hatched on the Bank One building in Canton, Ohio on 4/29/2010. (Ohio names their peregrines; Pennsylvania does not.) This makes her just the right age to be seeking a nest site.
Welcome to Pittsburgh, Magnum.
Happy new peregrine year.
(photos by Jeff McDonald)
Thanks for sharing the awesome photos, Jeff!
Thank You Kate for posting this!! Thank You also to Jeff McDonald and his beautiful photography skills!!
May she find a site without loss to another…
Her full, but younger sister ‘Moxie’, (hatched 2011) had taken over the AEP nest site in Indiana, in spring 2012 as a subadult, and they appear so much alike…So beautiful!!
She’s so beautiful! Let’s hope she finds a nice NEW nest site in the area! Thanks for sharing!
As a Canton resident with roots in PA I can’t thank you enough for sharing this news. She is a beauty and a success story. What we all hope for these magnificent birds. I shared this story with my friend in Pitt and she said, Magnum said, “I’m going to the Burgh.” Please keep us posted of any news. Thanks again.