The Downtown Pittsburgh peregrines were busy yesterday despite the snow.
They started their day at the Gulf Tower nest with some early morning courtship bowing. The female (presumed to be Dori) paused for a while at the scrape.
Falconcam motion detection noticed one more visit at 1:23pm, blurry because it was snowing heavily. And then the birds surprised me.
I thought the peregrines were focusing all their attention at the Gulf Tower, never at their old nest on Third Avenue, but one of them visited the old homestead last evening.
At 6:00pm a peregrine called loudly from Amanda McGuire’s balcony at Point Park University’s Lawrence Hall. She peeked out the door and took this photo of … is it Louie? Was he asking Dori to join him at Third Avenue?
Who knows.
Apparently the peregrines are working both ends of town.
(photos from the National Aviary falconcam at the Gulf Tower and Amanda McGuire)
*fingers crossed* for the Gulf Tower!
It looks like the peregrine in this image has an injury fairly low on his/her right side…maybe there is a territory dispute ensuing….
Mary Ann, that’s probably leftovers from his dinner. Peregrines don’t wear bibs. 😉
When peregrines fight they aim for and damage the throat and upper breast.
Ah, of course, I didn’t think of that…they aren’t like cats who lick themselves clean….
Who picks the nest site? Could Louie be favoring one and Dori the other?
Joyce, the male shows a selection of sites to the female & she picks one. So far it looks as if Dori likes the Gulf Tower but we won’t know for sure until she lays an egg.
Oh…let’s hope the Tower!!!! Mainly for the ability to band the kids. The camera is a plus, but banding is so important.