18 March 2014
March is the month for duck migration and a great time to watch them courting.
I mentioned last Thursday that common goldeneyes have an unusual courtship display. So do hooded mergansers.
The males pump their heads, raise their crests, toss their heads forward as if to unfurl their hoods, and waggle their heads side to side. “Look at my white crest!”
They also throw their heads back and point their beaks to the sky. As they bring their heads upright they say “Merg-merrrrrg!” Listen to the video. They sound like frogs!
So why does the hooded merganser have a hood? Relentless female selection. The ladies are so impressed by a good head toss that they pick the guys with the biggest, whitest hoods. The guys with little hoods never have kids.
“The better to impress you, my dear.”
(video by Kathleen Fry on YouTube)
p.s. When they’re not courting hooded mergansers often keep their crests down. Click here to see what a difference the hood makes.