3 October 2014
This animal is in a rut. Which one?
Rut (noun 1):
1. a long deep track made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles.
2. a habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change.
Rut (noun 2): An annual period of sexual activity in deer and some other mammals, during which the males fight each other for access to the females.
In September and October Pennsylvania’s elk herd has an annual period of sexual activity. The males pursue the ladies, spar with other males, and “sing” their bugling love song.
Visit the Elk Country Visitor’s Center in Benezette to see and hear what this is like. For a preview, watch this handheld video of the herd in October 2010. The elk are so preoccupied that they ignore the people.
So yes, in October this elk is in a rut.
If things don’t go well, he may feel he’s in “a habit or pattern of behavior that’s become dull and unproductive but is hard to change.”
(Thanks to Paul Stanszewski for the photo.)
(*) Definitions of rut from Google. Rut(1) comes from the same word as “route.” Rut(2) comes from the same word as “roar.”
This picture is amazing! It is one of my all time favorite Elk pics by Paul!
A superb photo that seems impossible to believe! Knowing Paul, his dedication knows no bounds! He will endlessly work for perfection! Paul has done it again!
I must agree with the two previous responses. Paul works very hard at achieving perfection. I am proud to say he was my roommate for a while in college. I have seen much of his work and to me is always of top quality. Once again he’s on top. Congratulations Paul!!
As usual, Paul has used his awesome photography skills to capture a unique moment in nature!
This photo is the perfect compliment to the story! Thanks for the creativity and vision!
I’ll never forget the time I heard one bugle very early on a foggy July morning at my friend’s camp just on the west side of Benezette many years ago! Haunting sound.