In case you missed it … there are two baby African penguins at the National Aviary!
African penguins nest in burrows or caves on the southwestern coast of Africa where they’re endangered due to overfishing, habitat loss and human encroachment. The birds are monogamous so once they’ve picked a mate they’re together for life.
These penguin parents, Sidney and Bette, are members of the penguin flock at the National Aviary in Pittsburgh. They’ve been a couple for four years and have already hatched three sets of chicks. This fall they spruced up their nest and Bette laid two eggs on November 9 and 11. The eggs hatched right on time: December 15 and 18.
Above Sidney watches as Bette turns to rearrange the nesting material while she keeps the chicks warm. Below, Sidney broods them too.
This is a good time to watch the nest online. After the first of the year National Aviary staff will move the babies indoors to hand-rear them. The Aviary explains, “This special upbringing will ensure they are ready to fulfill their future roles as ambassadors for their species in the National Aviary’s educational and interactive programs.”
Click on the screenshots or here to watch them online. After they move indoors visit the National Aviary to watch them grow up.
(screenshot from the National Aviary African Penguin nestcam)