All posts by Kate St. John

From Acorn to Oak Tree: Timelapse in 2 Minutes

screenshot of 84-day old oak seedling from BoxLapse OAK TREE from ACORN timelapse

28 March 2025

Did you know that oaks grow their roots first before they sprout any greenery? This timelapse from Boxlapse shows that it took 60 days of root growth, a full two months, before the acorn sprouted on top.

Watch an oak tree grow from acorn to sapling in 196 days = 6.5 months.

video embedded from BoxLapse on YouTube

Video Description: Some acorns might require cold stratification before they will sprout. The main stem got stuck that’s why it sprouted two new ones instead. And it got a bit stressed by the move from the water to the pot, but it started slowly recovering after a while.

video description from BoxLapse on YouTube

If this acorn had sprouted outdoors it would probably take longer to develop since the water supply, temperature and light levels would vary.

If it had sprouted in the wild in a Pittsburgh park, it would never become a tree because …

This is the biggest threat to oak sapling success in Pittsburgh city parks.
Deer in Frick Park, 17 Aug 2024 (photo by Kate St. John)

Oak seedlings and saplings are a favorite food of white-tailed deer, especially in winter.

In the presence of too many deer, oak saplings are browsed immediately but their root systems are robust so they sprout again and are eaten again, and on and on. The saplings become like bonsai and never grow up. Like this ash sapling in Schenley Park.

A sign of too many deer: Deer-damaged ash sapling, Schenley Park, Oct 2022 (photo by Kate St. John)

The only way to give oaks a chance is to grow them in tree tubes.

Oak growing in a tree tube (Joseph OBrien, USDA Forest Service,

That’s why you see tree plantings like this in the City of Pittsburgh.

Oaks planted in tree tubes (Scott Roberts, Mississippi State University,

Schenley Park Owl Update

Great horned owl youngsters in Schenley Park, 25 March 2025. Muppet the rescued female + Sibling (photos by Dana Nesiti)

27 March 2025

This week Dana Nesiti is having a great time observing Schenley Park’s great horned owl family. Yesterday was exceptional when he found and photographed all four family members and confirmed the well-being of both youngsters. See the complete story in Dana’s Facebook post here.

Composite photo of the great horned owl family in Schenley Park by Dana Nesiti

Dana’s photo contains:

  • Top left: Historical perspective: Mother and two youngsters more than a month ago approx 23 Feb.
  • Top right: Mother owl and Muppet on the same branch on 26 March.
  • Bottom left: Father owl perched high above Sibling on 26 March.
  • Bottom right: Sibling on 26 March.
Who is Schenley Park’s great horned owl family?

We don’t know much about the parents except that a pair of great horned owls has nested year after year in various locations in or near the park. In late March 2016 an owlet was rescued in Schenley after it fluttered to the ground from the nearby Anderson Bridge.

This year’s two owlets are celebrities, easy to tell apart because they have different markings and even different personalities.

Great horned owl youngsters, Schenley Park 25 March 2025. Muppet the rescued female + Sibling (photos by Dana Nesiti)

Muppet a.k.a. “Muppet the Marauder” is the whiter of the two youngsters. She fell 100′ from the nest on 27 February and was rescued and taken to Tamarack Wildlife Center where she acquired her nickname. Tamarack returned her to Schenley Park on 11 March where she branched for a couple of days and soon began making short flights from branch to branch and tree to tree. Tamarack says she has the personality of an avid explorer. At this point Muppet has been flying for about two weeks.

Sibling, whose sex is unknown, stayed in the nest until 24 March and was seen making short flights the next day. Sibling is cautious compared to Muppet. Dana captured him/her making a flying leap.

video embedded from Dana Nesiti, Canonusr on YouTube

True to her personality Muppet flew much sooner than I expected. Sibling more is in line with my flight-date predictions.

If you want to find the owls in Schenley Park I suggest you look for the photographers or listen for blue jays. Both are good indications that an owl is nearby. 😉

A Vocal Nest Exchange

Carla and Ecco nest exchange with 4 eggs, 25 March 2025, 9:22am (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)

26 March 2025

When peregrines are incubating eggs there is rarely any action on the falconcam and it’s always brief, so chances are most of us weren’t watching when Carla and Ecco did this nest exchange yesterday morning. I missed it too, so here it is.

I’ve chosen to highlight this video, not because anything is unusual, but because it’s so nice to watch something other than a sleeping bird.

In fact the segment starts with Ecco sleeping, but he hears something I can’t hear (probably Carla) and raises his head to look around. We know she’s nearby when she wails.

What does she mean? From the Peregrine FAQs: Wailing means “I want something to change.”  The wail sounds awful but does not necessarily mean bad things are happening.  It really means “Things are not changing fast enough for my liking.” Read more about this call and others at Peregrine Vocalizations and What They Mean.

We can guess what Carla means in this context by watching Ecco. He knows she wants to trade places with him but won’t get up until she’s close by and ready to cover the eggs.

Carla comes closer and makes soft noises. Ecco leaves; Carla settles down to incubate.

(video from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)

Watch the Pitt peregrines on the National Aviary falconcam at the Cathedral of Learning. You might get lucky and see something interesting.

Surprise 4th Egg at Pitt Peregrine Nest

Carla with four eggs, 25 March 2025, 7:10am (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)

25 March 2025

Just when we’d thought Carla was done with egg laying Sara Showers saw 4 eggs at the nest this morning before dawn. We were surprised because peregrines usually lay an egg every other day. This one took twice as long and is 4 days after the prior egg.

It took a bit of searching the archives to find when it happened. Here is the moment at 4:34am.

Carla laid her fourth egg of the season at 4:34am, 25 March 2025 (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)

Video of the few minutes before and after the egg appeared.

So my question about incubation is answered. It began, as it should, after the next-to-last egg.

So When Did Incubation Begin?

Carla merely shelters the eggs, 21 March 2025, 2:37am (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)

25 March 2025

After Carla laid her last egg in the wee hours of 21 March at 2:07am and I saw her prepare to incubate the next morning at 5:40am, I declared on 22 March that incubation had begun. Was I right? I’m not so sure anymore.

I checked the falconcam timelapse videos and found that during the day of the 22nd Carla and Ecco both seemed to be incubating, but that night Carla spent an hour and a half off the eggs from 2:30am to 4:00am. You can see the gap in this timelapse video.

video from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh

She also stood up for half an hour at 5:00am. What was she looking at?

Carla is up for 2 hours on the night of 22-23 March 2025 (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)

On the 23rd incubation was more consistent. Carla and Ecco took almost no time off during nest exchanges and Carla slept on the scrape.

Carla sleeps while incubating, 23 March 2025, 3:02p (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)

That night, 23-24 March, she stayed tight on the eggs especially while it rained. The raindrops look like snow in the infrared light.

(video from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)

So now I think incubation began on 23 March 2025.

Only the peregrines know for sure.

Duck Hollow Outing, 30 March 8:30a

Blue-winged teal, 24 March 2024, Moraine State Park (photo by Charity Kheshgi)

18 March 2024

It’s time to get outdoors! Join me for 2025’s second Birdblog outing next Sunday.

Sunday 30 March 2025 — 8:30am – 10:30am

Duck Hollow and Lower Frick Park

Meet at Duck Hollow parking lot at the end of Old Browns Hill Road. We’ll check the river for migrating waterfowl and walk the beginning of lower Nine Mile Run Trail watching for birds and many signs of Spring.

Duck Hollow can be excellent or just ho-hum. Yesterday, in addition to the usual suspects, I found one male blue-winged teal (similar to the one pictured above) and eight distant lesser scaup.

Next Sunday I’m counting on the male bufflehead who’s been hanging around for a couple of weeks to still be there in the distance.

Bufflehead in the distance (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring binoculars, birding scopes and field guides if you have them.

Hope to see you there!

Next Sunday’s weather looks acceptable so far, but always check the Events Page before you come in case of cancellation.

Rain Gauge Rally!

Rain gauge holding three types of precipitation (photo from Marianne Atkinson, Dubois PA)

23 March 2025

Whether it rains or snows, sleets or hails, after the event the National Weather Service can tell you how much precipitation fell in your neighborhood.

For example, after Hurricane Sandy plowed through Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey and Pennsylvania in late October 2012, the National Weather Service (NWS) published this Actual Rainfall map showing a maximum of 12.83″ at Bellevue, Maryland and about 3″ in Pittsburgh.

Map of actual rainfall during Hurricane Sandy, Oct 2012 (map from National Weather Service)

NWS can do this thanks to radar estimates from airports which are later updated by actual rain gauge readings from official weather stations and from volunteers across the country. The volunteers are members of the Community Collaborative Rain Hail and Snow network or CoCoRaHS.

This month CoCoRaHS is holding their annual Rain Gauge Rally in which each state competes to add new volunteers to the network. As of 11 March the network in Pennsylvania looks likes this. Notice it is heavily populated in some areas but sparse elsewhere. Volunteers needed!

CoCoRaHS network in PA as of 11 March 2025

My friend Marianne from DuBois PA joined in 2023 and is encouraging others to join the network this month. She writes:

I have been a CoCoRaHS volunteer since July 2023. This is citizen science that is easy and fun! It is cool that I am able to contribute data to many weather organizations with one daily reading. Even a daily gauge reading of 0 is important, which could indicate drought conditions. Volunteers report their daily observations on the interactive Website or using the CoCoRaHS mobile App. The picture is my rain gauge on Feb. 6, 2025 that has one inch of snow, sleet and freezing rain combined!

— email from Marianne in March 2025

It’s easy to join! Click here and they walk you through the sign-up.

Still curious? This 6-minute YouTube video describes CoCoRaHS and this month’s Rain Gauge Rally. If you want to join, don’t delay. Get in on the Rain Gauge March Madness!

p.s. CoCoRaHS is free to join but you will need a 4” manual rain gauge (or the NWS 8- inch gauge). If you don’t have one, here’s where to get one at (This screenshot does not show the entire page.)

CoCoRaHS rain gauges: 4 of the 22 products on offer (screenshot from

Seen This Week: Sycamore Snow

American sycamore seed ball disintegrating at the end of winter (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

22 March 2025

As the weather warmed this month American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) seed balls disintegrated to disperse their wind-driven seeds.

On 16 March it was very windy when I visited Herr’s Island back channel. Sycamore achenes (seed packets) blew by me in the wind and piled up in the cracks like snow drifts.

A single American sycamore seed, 16 March 2025 (photo by Kate St. John)

Sycamore snow.

Many sycamore seeds gathering like snow drifts, Herr’s Island, 16 March 2025 (photo by Kate St. John)

They had come from seed balls like these that had waited all winter for spring heat to make them stretch and burst.

Sycamore seed balls hanging like ornaments, 3 March 2018 (photo by Kate St.John)
Sycamore seed balls hanging like ornaments, 3 March 2018 (photo by Kate St.John)

Not only do they disperse on the wind but the fluff-tops have a second mode of transportation. They float.

Sycamore seeds swirling in the Allegheny River in Herr’s Island back channel, 16 March 2025 (video by Kate St. John)

Water carries them to their favorite habitats.

American sycamore is found most commonly in bottomland or floodplain areas, thriving in the wet environments provided by rivers, streams, or abundant groundwater.

Wikipedia American sycamore account

You’ll be able to identify American sycamores easily before leaf out. Look for the white upper trunks of large trees along stream and river banks.

Sycamores on the banks of Raccoon Creek, Beaver County, PA, 28 Feb 2018 (photo by Kate St.John)
Sycamores on the banks of Raccoon Creek, Beaver County, PA, 28 Feb 2018 (photo by Kate St.John)

3rd Peregrine Egg This Morning, Incubation Begins

Carla with 3 eggs, 21 March 2025 2:07am (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)

21 March 2025

UPDATE: I WAS WRONG! Carla laid her 3rd egg much earlier than I originally thought. It was before 2:07am on 21 March 2025.

I had expected Carla to lay her third egg last evening but it took a longer than expected. As early as 8pm she looked like she was ready to lay it (below), but it did not happen until this morning at 2:07 am (above).

Carla looks ready to lay another egg, 20 March 2025, 8pm (photo from the National Aviary snapshot camera at Univ of Pittsburgh)

At 5:40am I saw Carla corral the clutch, bob her body to expose her brood patch, and lay down with her back feathers standing up a bit, as shown in the video below. It looks to me like she’s begun incubation. (You can hear Ecco whining in the background.)

video from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh, 21 March 2025, 5:43am

Hatch Day should be 33-35 days from now –> 23 to 25 April. In the meantime we’ll be watching The Big Sit on the falconcam for more than a month.

As I said earlier, there’s always a possibility that I’ve missed something and miscalculated the dates … and sure enough I’ve already had to make a correction.

p.s. Here’s a better look at the 3 eggs with Ecco standing next to them.

Ecco with 3 eggs, 21 March 2025, 7:07am (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)

Owlet Flying + Peregrines Not Incubating Yet

Schenley Park great horned owlet, 19 March 2025 (photo by Kate St. John)

20 March 2025

Schenley Owlet flying

The Schenley Park owlet, who spent two weeks in rehab at Tamarack and came home on 11 March, has been making fast progress. Many have seen her roosting in trees this week and assume she must have flown to get there, but we never see it. She only moves in the dark. Fortunately, Dana Nesiti captured a video of her in flight before sunrise on Tuesday. He slowed down the video so you can see her.

video embedded from Dana Nesiti, Canonusr on YouTube)

And click here for Dana’s 10 minute video of her chilling in Schenley Park.

Pitt peregrines not incubating yet

Carla laid two eggs at the Cathedral of Learning peregrine nest on 16 and 18 March and a third egg is due this evening.

However, we’ve seen both parents cover the eggs and we know incubation begins when the next to last egg is laid. Are they incubating? Is Carla going to lay only 3 eggs?

As of this morning, 20 March, we have nighttime evidence that the peregrines are not incubating yet. Both were off the eggs the majority of the time last night as seen in this time lapse video.

Nighttime timelapse at Pitt peregrine nest, 19 March 7pm to 20 March 2025 7am ()

When peregrines are truly incubating they open the feathers that cover their brood patches before laying down to place their skin on the eggs. If they don’t, those feathers keep the eggs from reaching incubation temperature.

On the falconcam it is impossible to see if their skin is touching eggs but we can tell if they are opening the feathers. Watch for them to bob their bodies before they lay down. Ecco does this in a more exaggerated way than Carla.

Speaking of Ecco, did you notice that he relieved Carla around 3am? The literature says that the female incubates all night, but not last night. Peregrines can always surprise us.