If you want to see bald eagles in Pennsylvania, winter’s a great time to do it.
Bald eagles eat fish so they always live near open water. When the lakes freeze they move to the rivers. When the rivers freeze they congregate near the open tailwaters at dams.
And thus was born the Annual Eagle Watch at Kinzua Dam in Warren County, PA.
This year’s event at the Big Bend Recreation Area will be held on Saturday, February 4 from 8:00am to 2:00pm. View the eagles through spotting scopes at three observation areas: Big Bend Visitor Center (warm up indoors with hot chocolate!), Riverside Watchable Wildlife Trail and Viewing Platform, and on the dam. Those over 18 must show a photo ID to walk out on the dam.
In addition to eagle watching David Donachy of the PA Game Commission will present a program on the success of Pennsylvania’s bald eagle restoration, and Kinzua Cachers will hold a geomeet to find several temporary caches in the area.
The event is free, sponsored by US Army Corps of Engineers, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, Penn Soil Resource Conservation and Development Council, Kinzua Cachers, and the Allegheny Outdoor Club.
While you’re up at Kinzua Dam you’re just 10 minutes from downtown Warren where WQED-FM’s morning host Jim Cunningham recommends the Plaza Restaurant. Staying overnight? You can get a discount at the Warren Hampton Inn if you tell them you’re coming for the Eagle Watch.
Click here for more information, or call Steve Lauser, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, at (814)726-0661 or Bill Massa, Allegheny Outdoor Club, at (814)723-2568.
Keep your eyes open for eagles as you drive upstate. Eagle sightings are more common than ever before. Here are some recent sightings in Pennsylvania.
(photo by Steve Gosser, near Crooked Creek dam in Armstrong County)