Have you ever seen an orchard oriole? Did you know that first-summer males look completely different than full-adult males, and yet they are old enough to nest?
Join me on Sunday June 18, 8:30a – 10:30a, at Duck Hollow and Frick Park’s lower Nine Mile Run Trail to see nesting orchard orioles in this unique scrubland habitat in the City of Pittsburgh.
Meet at Duck Hollow parking lot at the end of Old Browns Hill Road. We’ll briefly scan the river then walk through the meadow habitat of lower Nine Mile Run Trail, watching for orchard orioles and willow flycatchers.
Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring binoculars and field guides if you have them. It’s Fathers’ Day; bring your dad.
Meanwhile, click here to see the three plumages of orchard orioles (Icterus spurius): adult male, first-summer male and female.
A Note About Thunderstorms: I’ll lead the outing rain or shine, but not in thunderstorms. It’s too early to rely on next Sunday’s forecast so check the Events Page before you come in case I’ve had to cancel because of lightning.
Even though you don’t always see them on camera the three young peregrines at the Gulf Tower haven’t flown yet. There are still two more days of Gulf Tower Fledge Watch:
Today, May 29 Memorial Day, 11:30a – 1:30p at the Flag Plaza parking lot. Plenty of free parking!
May 30, 11:30a-1:30p at the sidewalk leading up to the Pennsylvanian railroad station.
Meanwhile across town …
Pitt Peregrine Fledge Watch is scheduled for June 2-6:
The peregrine chicks at the Cathedral of Learning are losing their down and turning brown so it’s time to plan for Pitt Peregrine Fledge Watch.
Meet me and/or John English of Pittsburgh Falconuts at the Schenley Plaza tent, Friday June 2 through Tuesday June 6, 11:30a – 1:30p.
Yes! Gulf Tower Fledge Watch at Flag Plaza today, Sunday May 28, 11:30a to 1:30p.
Yesterday, Saturday May 27, I stuck to my plan but I missed some fun.
It rained in the morning so I didn’t plan to hold a Gulf Tower Fledge Watch at Flag Plaza. However, the rain stopped by noon so John English, John Bauman and Anne Marie Bosnyak went over to see what was up. Here are John English’s pictures.
At top is the view of the Gulf Tower with the nest area circled in yellow. It’s very easy to see the peregrines with binoculars. John took these photos through his scope.
Below, one peregrine chick perches on the pillar near the nest. You can see the falconcam from Flag Plaza.
Louie, circled top left, and Dori, circled at right, watch over the “kids” at the nest (yellow square) as fledging time approaches. They’re waiting for the next step:
When a chick flies for the first time one of the parents, usually the male, follows the chick to its landing place and makes sure it’s safe. If all is well, the parent brings food to the chick at its new perch. To us humans it looks like food is the reward for a job well done.
My reluctance to vary Saturday’s Watch schedule was due to my experience on Friday May 26.
The weather forecast said the rain would end around 11am but it was still pouring at 11:15a so I posted to Twitter and Facebook that I wouldn’t be Downtown until noon. Unfortunately, Margaret was already on her way and wondered where I was when she arrived at 11:30a. She sat out the rain under the railroad station portico, out of sight of the sidewalk were I set up my scope at noon.
After the drizzle stopped, Janine and Barb stopped over from the Federal Building around 1pm. We were thrilled to see Louie hunting close by as he dove on two mourning doves near the Federated Investors building. The doves escaped. Whoosh!
Margaret found us at 1:15pm. It started to rain hard at 1:30pmso Fledge Watch ended.
Fortunately, the weather looks good today and tomorrow so I’ll be at Flag Plaza both days, 11:30a to 1:30p.
It doesn’t look good for Gulf Tower Fledge Watch this weekend. As of this writing I have altered the schedule.
Today, Friday May 26: yes, I’ll make the attempt AFTER NOON. See you downtown at 1100 Liberty Avenue after the rain stops. (It’s pouring now.) Click here for directions.
Saturday May 27: no
Sunday, May 28: yes. The forecast has changed for the better. See you at Flag Plaza.
Fifteen of us had a great time in Schenley Park this morning. We saw 33 species of birds including nesting Baltimore orioles and wood thrushes. The two youngest members of our group found frogs, turtles and an enormous goldfish in the lake. Wow!
We started off with a distant look at a peregrine falcon perched at the Cathedral of Learning. My guess is that we saw Hope watching over the chicks. If you were viewing the falconcam you wouldn’t have seen her but she was quite close.
Three young peregrines are growing at the Gulf Tower and will fledge before you know it. It’s time for Fledge Watch, May 26-30, 2017.
This year the Downtown watch will be a purely social occasion. The Gulf Tower is so tall that we don’t have to worry that the young birds will land in the street. Instead we’ll have a falcon fans get-together and an opportunity to educate the public about peregrines.
With that in mind, on weekdays I’ll be at The Pennsylvanian entry — 1100 Liberty Avenue — where folks can stop by during lunch hour. On Memorial Day weekend John English and I will be up at Flag Plaza where there’s plenty of free parking and a good view of the Gulf Tower.
Here are the details.
When & Where on Business Days:
Fri May 26 and Tues May 30
11:30am to 1:30pm
On the sidewalk at The Pennsylvanian RR station area, 1100 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. See arrow below.
When & Where on Memorial Day Weekend
Sat May 27, Sun May 28, Mon May 29
11:30am to 1:30pm. Hours may be extended. Check back as the weekend approaches!
At Flag Plaza (Boy Scouts building), 1275 Bedford Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Come for as little or as long as you’d like. Bring binoculars if you have them.
Hope to see you there!
Fledge Watch is a fair weather event. It will be canceled if it’s raining or storming.
(photo credits: Fledge Watchers by Kate St. John. The Pennsylvanian from oncarrot.com, Location of Flag Plaza via John English on Pittsburgh Faclonuts Facebook page)
Join me on Sunday May 21 at 8:30am for a bird and nature walk in Schenley Park.
Meet at the Schenley Park Cafe and Visitor Center where Panther Hollow Road meets Schenley Drive for this 8:30am to 10:30am walk. We’ll see flowers and late migrating birds.
Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring binoculars and field guides if you have them.
NOTE ABOUT THUNDERSTORMS! As of this writing there’s a 60% chance of thunderstorms on Sunday. Weather forecasts can change so check back at this blog post or on the Events Page before you come to the outing in case I’ve had to cancel because of lightning.
This morning there were 36 of us ready to go birding in Schenley Park at 8am. We searched for birds in the Bartlett area and part of Lower and Falloon Trails, then walked the golf course edge for a view of the treetops along Serpentine Road.
The birds were quiet at first but became more active when the sun broke through the clouds. Best Birds of the day were rose-breasted grosbeaks, the first-of-year ovenbird and a green heron at the lake. I wish we’d seen the blue-winged warbler (heard singing) but we did see a peregrine falcon flying around the Cathedral of Learning.
I promised we’d end at 10am but a dozen people wanted to continue so we split up at 9:45a. (Thank you, Marcus, for guiding folks back to Bartlett Street.) So I have two lists of the birds we saw. Let me know if I missed something.
Before 9:45m. Birds Seen and Heard, 8am-9:45am, 0.8 miles (until turn around). Click here for eBird checklist.
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Blue Jay
Carolina Chickadee
House Wren
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
American Robin
European Starling
Ovenbird (first of year)
Blue-winged Warbler (heard by several of us, seen by Michelle)
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Baltimore Oriole
House Finch
After 945am: Additional Species Seen and Heard, 9:45am-11:30am, 2.17 miles, via Panther Hollow Lake (Click here for the eBird list of additional birds)
Green Heron (first of year)
Osprey (2 flew over at Bartlett at the end of the walk)
Red-tailed Hawk (adult at Occupied Nest)
Chimney Swift
Hairy Woodpecker
Peregrine Falcon (flying and perched at Cathedral of Learning)
Eastern Phoebe
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Wood Thrush
Cedar Waxwing
Yellow Warbler
Palm Warbler (first of year)
Black-throated Green Warbler
Thanks, everyone, for coming out. It was a great birding day!
When I got home I heard a white-eyed vireo singing in my neighborhood. 🙂
New birds come to town every day at the end of April so there will be plenty to see. Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Don’t forget your binoculars!
Click here for more information and in case of cancellation.
p.s. I’ve already seen a Baltimore oriole in the park. 🙂
On 29 April 2017, the Steel Valley Trail Council (SVTC) and Three Rivers Birding Club (3RBC) will hold a bicycle ride along “Raptor Row” of the Great Allegheny Passage Trail. It’s a celebration of the raptors who nested along the Monongahela River last spring.
Travel up and down river from Hays to Duquesne or McKeesport to see bald eagles, a great-horned owl (ARL will have a live owl on site), red-tailed hawks, ospreys and kestrels.
When: Saturday, April 29 Where: Waterfront Town Center, 270 Bridge Street behind Starbucks. What: A bicycle ride on the Great Allegheny Passage Trail from Hays to Duquesne (13.5-mile round trip) or to McKeesport (this 18-mile round trip includes kestrels). Three Rivers Birding Club members will be stationed at the raptor nest sites, many with scopes for close viewing of nests and any raptors that may be present. How: Costs are at the link below. VIP option has a bird guide ride with you! If you don’t have a bike you can rent one on site from Waterfront Bike Rentals.
Click here for details and more about the raptors: