Yesterday 37 bird blog and peregrine fans gathered at the National Aviary to see the sights, learn about birds and watch the Sky Deck show. We had fun!
Steve Sarro, Director of Animal Programs, gave us a wonderful tour and taught us a lot about birds.
The favorite thing I learned is this: Steve told us that African penguins add 50% to their weight just before they molt and then they lose all their feathers at once! It takes several weeks to grow them back. One of the Aviary’s African penguins, Elvis, is molting right now and he sure looks shaggy. He’s in a good mood but he’s having a couple of “bad hair weeks.”
Up at Sky Deck, the weather was perfect for flying and the birds were awesome. Amut, the lanner falcon, flew for the lure and used amazing “sneak attacks” by flying below the building’s edge, then popping up over Sky Deck to hit it. Heather Jacoby got a nice photo of her on the glove, above. Here is Sharon’s video:
Much as we love falcons, everyone agreed that the black kites were the best. All six of them flew above us snatching food out of the air. At one point three of them went for the same airborne morsel and gracefully avoided a midair collision. Click on Heather’s photo of the black kite (below) to see Sharon’s video of them flying.
We had a great time on our afternoon full of birds as you can see by our smiling faces. Thanks to all of you for coming! And thanks to Heather and Sharon for sending links to their photos. If you have photos you’d like to share, leave a comment with your links below.
p.s. The Aviary is open all year, but Sky Deck is just a summertime show so visit now while the weather is perfect for flying. For more information see the National Aviary website at
(Lanner falcon and black kite photos by Heather Jacoby. Group photo by Sharon Leadbitter.)