Category Archives: Musings & News

Converged With The Anteater

Indian pangolin, manis crassicaudata (photo from Wikimedia Commons)
Indian pangolin, Manis crassicaudata (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

Last month I randomly opened an encyclopedia for the letter P and found an animal I’d never seen before.  Though he looks like an anteater he’s not related to them.

Pangolins are mammals with long thin snouts and long tails that eat ants and termites.  Instead of having fur they’re the only mammal on earth with scales.  The scales, made of keratin like our fingernails, provide protection.  When a pangolin is attacked it rolls into a ball in the same defensive posture as a porcupine.

Pangolin in defensive posture, Manis temminckii in South Africa (photo from Wikimedia Commons)
Pangolin in defensive posture, Manis temminckii in South Africa (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

Eight pangolin species range from Africa to Asia and Indonesia.  All are in severe decline, listed as vulnerable to critically endangered, because their meat is a Chinese delicacy and folk medicine. Even African pangolins are poached for this illegal trade.

Range map of pangolin species (image from Wikimedia Commons)
Range map of pangolin species (image from Wikimedia Commons)

Anteaters can’t help them. They’re not related.


Anteaters are furry mammals with long thin snouts and long tails, native to Central and South America.

Giant anteater at the Pantanel, Brazil (photo from Wikimedia Commons)
Giant anteater at the Pantanel, Brazil (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

They, too, eat ants and termites.

Giant anteater with his snout in an ant hole (photo from Wikimedia Commons)
Giant anteater eating insects (photo from Wikimedia Commons)


Anteaters and pangolins resemble each other because they need the same tools to gather food. Similar appearance in unrelated species, called convergent evolution, is true of my favorite bird, too.

Peregrine falcons resemble hawks because they both hunt for meat, but peregrines are more closely related to parrots than to hawks and eagles.  They converged in appearance to get the job done.


(photos and maps from Wikimedia Commons; click on the images to see the originals)

Uh Oh! Blue Light Isn’t Better

video embedded from TOMO news on YouTube

16 December 2016

Uh oh!  Blue light, though bright, isn’t better at night.

As cities switch from incandescent or mercury street lights to LEDs they’re saving electricity and money and providing more light.  But brighter isn’t better if it’s blue.

The video above shows how the color temperature of light matters to our eyes and sleep patterns.  Though the video doesn’t mention it, the color also matters to birds and animals.

It’s possible to buy yellow-toned LEDs but blue, because its bright, has been the default choice for city lights.  We didn’t know that color mattered when the world began switching to LEDs and the bulbs have such a long life it’ll be decades before it’s time to replace them.  Meanwhile humans, birds and animals will be coping with the change.

It makes me want to close my eyes.

(credits are in the captions)

p.s. Here’s a really helpful video showing the difference between incandescent, compact fluorescent and LED light bulbs in home use (the A19 screw base).  You’ll also see the inside of an LED bulb. I was surprised to learn it’s a tiny computer.

How We’ll See The Stars Again

video embedded from McDonald Observatory on YouTube

2 December 2016

In my blog two weeks ago, the night sky video Lost in Light made me wonder how we’ll ever see the stars again.

Since then I’ve learned that our outdoor lights waste money and energy, disrupt wildlife, and ruin our own sleep patterns.  What we can do?

The video above from McDonald Observatory shows a simple answer.  Use lampshades.

The quick demonstration below shows why.

video embedded from Dark Sky International on YouTube

Right now our cities and towns are switching out incandescent street lights for LEDs.  It’s the perfect time to put on lampshades.    You can shade your home lights, too.

p.s. The color of LED light matters too! Blue light versus red spectrum:  Uh Oh! Blue Light Isn’t Better.

(videos from McDonald Observatory and

The Bridge Moves

Rainbow Bridge, Utah (photo from Wikimedia Commons)
Rainbow Bridge, Utah (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

The Rainbow Bridge in southern Utah is a bridge of solid rock carved by water during the last ice age.  At 290 feet tall it’s one of the highest natural bridges in the world and held sacred by Native Americans in the region. But it doesn’t stand still. Like all structures it moves in response to vibration.

Last year the University of Utah obtained permission to measure resonance at the Rainbow Bridge.  Their report, published in Geophysical Research Letters, found that the bridge is affected by both natural and human activity.  Wind can make it hum. Waves from man-made Lake Powell on the Colorado River, only a mile away, make it sway a little.  During two days of measurements the bridge felt three earthquakes, one of which was a man-made earthquake in Oklahoma.

The report includes this animation of the Bridge’s movements.  There are moments when it looks positively scary!

Rainbow Bridge movement animation from University of Utah News

Read about how the Rainbow Bridge moves at Resonance in Rainbow Bridge: University of Utah study listens to the natural bridge vibrate and sing.

And speaking of scary bridge movements …

Man-made bridges are engineered to move just a little in response to wind and other forces, but they mustn’t move too much or they break.  In a spectacular case of poor design the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, built to withstand 120 mph winds, collapsed on 7 Nov 1940 in a 40 mph wind only four months after it opened.  The cause was attributed to resonance, though more recently to aeroelastic flutter

Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse, 7 Nov 1940 (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

Watch as the bridge collapses in the video below. Read the whole story here.

(Tacoma Narrows Bridge destruction, 7 Nov 1940, video embedded from Wikimedia Commons)

(credits are in the captions; click on the links to see the originals)

Bad (Human) Flu is Not Our Fault

Flock of ducks (photo by Brian Herman)
Flock of ducks (photo by Brian Herman)

28 September 2016

Right now it’s flu shot season, soon to be followed by flu season itself from December to March.

Wild birds have been blamed as a source of influenza but new evidence indicates they’re not the cause of bad flu.  To understand why here’s a primer on where flu comes from, how it spreads, and why flu season is in the winter.

Where does flu come from?

Other people!  It spreads best — and quickly creates new strains — where people are densely crowded.  Amazingly, the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918 spread quickly because of crowded camps and trenches in World War I.  A new study this month from the University of Chicago finds that “surveillance for developing new, seasonal vaccines should be focused on areas of east, south and southeast Asia where population size and community dynamics can increase transmission of endemic strains of the flu.”  Click here to read why flu does so well in that part of the world.

How does flu spreadIn the air.  We breathe it in.  Airborne transmission actually explains …

Why is flu season in the winter?

Not too long ago we were told that it’s in the winter because migratory waterfowl pass avian flu to domestic birds during fall migration.  Wrong!!

Recent studies of avian flu transmission show that it spreads in poultry factory farms (crowded conditions!) and along our poultry trade routes.  It follows our poultry, not wild birds’ migratory paths.

And the timing has nothing to do with migration.  Flu season is in the winter because the pathogen stays airborne longer in dry winter air.  It falls to the ground in summer humidity.

So why are waterfowl off the hook?

Wild birds aren’t spreading the worst strains of avian flu because they don’t have it.

After the H5 avian influenza A virus hit U.S. poultry farms in 2014-15, officials worried that avian flu would return when waterfowl migrated south again … but it didn’t.  The reason was found by researchers from St.Jude Children’s Research Hospital who “analyzed throat swabs and biological samples taken from 22,892 wild ducks and other aquatic birds collected before, during and after a 2014-15 H5 flu outbreak in poultry.”(*)  None of the birds had the highly pathogenic influenza A virus.

“Bad flu is not our fault,” say the ducks.

Read more here at: Evidence suggests migratory birds are not a reservoir for highly pathogenic flu viruses.


p.s.  Remember to get a flu shot!  However, if you’re over 65 immunologist Laura Haynes says you should get it after Halloween if you can.  Click here to read her advice on NPR.

(photo by Brian Herman)

Catch Them From The Sky

Coast Guard Cutter Rush escorts the suspected high seas drift net fishing vessel Da Cheng in the North Pacific Ocean on August 14, 2012. (photo credit: U.S. Coast Guard)
Coast Guard Cutter Rush escorts suspected high seas drift net fishing vessel Da Cheng in the North Pacific Ocean on August 14, 2012 (photo from U.S. Coast Guard via NOAA)

After two days of sad stories about fish populations in decline here’s some hopeful news.

With sensible catch limits and sanctuaries where fishing is prohibited, we can turn the tide on ocean species decline — but only if we can enforce the laws.  Unfortunately the ocean is a huge place with few “cops on the beat” and a lot of places for illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishermen to hide.

Until now.

Last week Oceana, SkyTruth, and Google launched the public Beta of Global Fishing Watch (GFW), a free online tool that allows anyone in the world to monitor and track the activities of the world’s largest commercial fishing vessels in near real-time.

Here’s how it works:  Every ship over a certain tonnage is required to transmit Automatic Identification System (AIS) data containing its identity, location, course and speed.  The data, received by satellites and accumulated since 2012, is used to plot each ship’s movements.  To determine which boats are fishing vessels, Global Fishing Watch developed an algorithm that identifies fishing by the characteristic patterns it makes on the map.

The map shows no-fish zones and Economic Exclusion Zones where it’s easy to see if illegal fishing is going on.  Vessels that turn off their AIS transmitters or purposely falsify their GPS data are automatically suspect.

Nations at the mercy of illegal fishing are happy to use GFW. In December 2014, when the tool was still in test mode, SkyTruth analyst Bjorn Bergman (from his desk in West Virginia!) saw a Taiwanese boat fishing illegally in Palau’s protected waters. And it turned off its AIS. The boat left Palau and headed for Indonesia.  When it returned in January Bergman remotely helped Palau authorities chase it down. Read the whole story here at the GFW blog.

So if you’re wondering how the U.S. will stop illegal fishing in 582,578 square miles of the newly expanded Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument (surrounding the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands) the answer is:

We’ll catch them from the sky.

For more information, watch the video and visit the Global Fishing Watch website.

(video from Global Fishing Watch on YouTube)

The Biggest Die First

Large swordfish on deck during long-lining operations (photo by Derke Snodgrass via NOAA Photo Library)
Large swordfish on deck during long-lining operations (photo by Derke Snodgrass from NOAA Photo Library)

It happened to land animals. Now it’s happening in the ocean.  The biggest die first.

Based on Earth’s current extinction rate of 1,000 times the normal background rate (predicted to become 10 times worse) scientists believe we’re at the start of the sixth mass extinction.

Stanford geoscientist Jonathan Payne wondered if the traits of extinct marine animals could predict the likelihood of extinction in today’s ocean organisms. For mollusks and vertebrates Payne and his colleagues compared ecological traits such as habitat preference and body size in past extinct and present threatened genera (genus: one level above species).  The results were surprising.

In past extinctions habitat preference was a good predictor that an animal would disappear.  That’s not the case now. In this era, the best predictor of future extinction is large body size.

The difference is us.  Human hunting pressure is driving ocean extinction.  Our demand for seafood is high (there are billions of us to feed) and we’ve become very efficient at capturing the largest fish.  Highly migratory predators like the Pacific bluefin tuna have declined precipitously.

We’ve seen this before.  At the end of the Ice Age, as human population expanded across the globe, the megafauna simultaneously went extinct.  It’s now known that sabretooth tigers, giant armadillos and woolly mammoths disappeared due to human hunting.

Woolly mammoth statue in the Royal BC Museum, Victoria, BC, Canada (photo from Wikimedia Commons)
Woolly mammoth statue in the Royal BC Museum, Victoria, BC, Canada (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

We humans are successful because we make tools and hunt cooperatively.  Of course we kill the largest prey first. One large animal feeds more people.

Unfortunately we don’t know when to stop.

Read more about Payne’s study here at Science Daily.

(photo of swordfish from NOAA Photo Library. photo of woolly mammoth statue in Royal BC Museum, Victoria, Canada via Wikimedia Commons. Click on the images to see the originals)

p.s. A word about the swordfish pictured above:  Swordfish are highly migratory predators whose population is in danger in many oceans around the world.  In 1998 the North Atlantic population dropped so low that fishing was suspended.  A 2009 international assessment of North Atlantic swordfish showed they had recovered in U.S. fishing areas, so fishing resumed.  Note: The fishermen who lost their lives aboard the Andrea Gail in The Perfect Storm were longline fishing for swordfish.

Hey, People! Work With Me

Greater honeyguide (photo by Wilferd Duckitt via Wikimedia Commons)
Greater honeyguide (photo by Wilferd Duckitt via Wikimedia Commons)

Domestic birds work for us but here’s a wild bird who chooses to work with us.

Greater honeyguides (Indicator indicator) are wild birds in Africa known for leading humans to honey.  They eat bee eggs, larvae and beeswax but often can’t get at them because the bees fight them off.  So the birds enlist our help, “Hey, humans! Work with me.”

Chattering and fluttering in front of us, honeyguides lead us to the hives where we use smoke to subdue the bees and axes to open the tree trunks where the hives are hidden.  We get the honey.  The honeyguides get the insects and wax.

This active solicitation has gone on for thousands of years.  In July we learned a new twist in the story.

Claire Spottiswoode studied greater honeyguides in Mozambique and found that the solicitation works both ways.  People have a special call that means, “Come, honeyguide! Let’s go look for honey together.” The birds arrive and lead the way.

The calls vary by region. For instance, there’s one sound in Mozambique, another in Tanzania.  Listen to the story on NPR to hear them.

“Hey honeyguide! Come work with me.”

How the birds learned our calls is still unknown.


(photo from Wikimedia Commons. Click on the image to see the original)

A Tip on Confusing Fall Warblers

Female yellow warbler (photo by Chuck Tague)
Female yellow warbler (photo by Chuck Tague)

On Throw Back Thursday:

It’s warbler time again as these tiny birds migrate south through western Pennsylvania.  They’re not as much fun as they were in the spring.

In May they were dressed in their colorful best.  This month a lot of them are wearing camouflage.  Who are these confusing fall warblers?

Back in 2009 it dawned on me that I could identify immature fall warblers because I had looked hard at their parents in the spring.  Read how it works here:

Confusing Fall Warblers


(photo by Chuck Tague)