Just over a week ago Fran Bungert was walking in South Park with her husband and dogs when she came upon some violets in bloom and sent me this picture from her cellphone.
November is a very odd time for violets (Viola sororia sororia). They normally bloom from April to June.
Are they confused by our warm El Niño autumn? Or have some violets always bloomed in November and I’ve just not paid attention?
A desert plant that curls into a ball and “hibernates” during dry weather, then revives at the touch of water.
You’ll never see this plant in Pennsylvania unless you buy one as a novelty item to wow your friends.
Selaginella lepidophylla is a spikemoss native to the Chihuahuan Desert of Mexico and the southwestern U.S. with many common names including false rose of Jericho, rose of Jericho, resurrection plant, resurrection moss, and doradilla. Its resurrection ability is similar to the real Rose of Jericho, Anastatica, native to the Middle East and Sahara.
How long does it take this plant to revive? The photos were snapped at five minute intervals over a period of three hours.
I stumbled upon this animation while searching for photos of Lycopodium because a second (synonymous) scientific name for the resurrection plant is Lycopodium lepidophyllum.
Who knew!
(image from Wikimedia Commons. Click on the image to see the original)
The other day I was eating a yam and wondered where the name “yam” came from. The Oxford English Dictionary said the word is from West Africa and it’s not the name of the plant I was eating.
True yams are in Dioscoreaceae, the Yam family. Native to Africa and Asia, they’re an important food staple with many cultivated varieties. Our yams were named by African slaves who saw the resemblance to the yams back home. A true yam (African type) looks like this.
North America has native members of the Yam family but we don’t find them in the grocery store. Wild yamroot (Dioscorea villosa) is common in western Pennsylvania and is most noticeable in spring when its pleated leaves grow in a whorl near the ground.
The “yams” we eat are sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas), members of the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae. Their flowers show what family they’re in.
Unfortunately sweet potatoes are labeled Yams in the grocery store because of USDA rules that say: Sweet potatoes that are white inside = “sweet potato,” orange inside = “yam.” I must look for the word “yam” to find an orange sweet potato in the grocery store.
I have never seen a white-inside sweet potato. Have you?
No, that’s not a soccer ball in the woods. It’s a giant puffball mushroom.
Giant puffballs (Calvatia gigantea) grow within a few weeks to become 4″ to 28″ in diameter. Really giant ones can be 59 inches across and weigh 44 pounds.
They’re edible while young (white inside), not edible when mature (anything but white inside; turns yellow then greenish-brown), and then they decompose.
Though these look like leaves, they aren’t. They’re liverwort, a plant related to moss that often grows right next to it.
The flat green ribbons place this plant in the thallose liverwort group. There are also leafy liverworts that look like moss, some so tiny that they require an expert with a magnifying glass to identify them.
Liverworts (Marchantiophyta) are ancient plants with these amazing characteristics:
They have no water transport system (i.e. non-vascular). Without internal pipes they’re at water’s mercy to come and go wherever it will. Thus they don’t grow tall.
They have no protection against water loss so liverworts have evolved the ability to dehydrate and recover in a technique similar to hibernation.
Liverworts’ cells contain only a single set of chromosomes (haploid). They produce diploid cells only for reproduction. Animals and most plants are the opposite with double chromosomes in our normal cells and singles only for reproduction.
Liverworts have no roots. Instead they have specialized cells on the underside called rhizoids that cling to the surface. Each cell is holding on!
Look closely and you can see that the “leaf” is a mosaic of plates, each with a dot in the middle. The dots look like stomata for regulating water loss but they’re actually air pockets. (Click here for a schematic from the University of British Columbia.)
Liverwort got its name during the Doctrine of Signatures era when people believed that plants that resembled a body part treated diseases of that body part. Since liverwort resembled animal livers people thought it must be a good treatment for liver disease. Liver + wort is “liver-plant.” In reality, liverworts have no medicinal use.
Because they’re at water’s mercy look for liverworts in cool, damp, shady places. I found these on a north-facing cliff near Breakneck Falls at McConnell’s Mill State Park.
In October these seed pods look like long yellow beans but they’re actually the “fruits” of Indian hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) … or maybe spreading dogbane (Apocynum androsaemifolium). (See comments below!)
When you see the entire plant they don’t look edible — and they aren’t! The plant is called “dogbane” because it’s poisonous to dogs and mammals including humans.
During the winter, the pods turn dark brown and crack open to reveal fluff and seeds inside, similar to milkweed. Click here to see.
Find a spreading dogbane this month and watch the pods change and open over the winter.
p.s. I originally called this plant spreading dogbane because the stems are ‘spreading’ and red but it is probably Indian hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) as you can see from the comments below. This specimen is on the meadow hillside below the Fern Hollow Nature Center.
This shrub’s common name is witherod but the fruits are wild raisins.
Last month we found witherod viburnum at Moraine State Park during the joint Wissahickon-Botanical Society outing. Those in the know said “Wild raisins!” and ate a berry.
When the tasters didn’t fall down, I ate one, too. Good texture but boring flavor.
Witherod (Viburnum cassanoides, or Viburnum nudum cassanoides) is a dense shrub, 12-20 feet tall, that grows in moist or wet soil. It is beautiful year round with white flower umbels in spring and deep red leaves in the fall. Its fruit attracts birds and it’s mildly resistant to deer damage so it’s a good choice for the garden.
I was surprised to learn that witherod is endangered in Pennsylvania, perhaps because I see so much of it every August-September at Acadia while the fruits are still pink and white, plentiful and unwrinkled.
If I visited Maine in October I’d see that the fruit turns black and shrivels into Wild Raisins.
(photo by Kate St. John)
p.s. Dianne Machesney says, “The fruit of Nannyberry (V. lentago) looks similar but you can tell the difference by looking at the leaves. Nannyberry is more toothed and the petioles are winged where it connects to the stem. Wild Raisin has blunt little teeth and no wings. Both fruits are edible so you won’t pay for a mistaken ID.”
Winter’s not here yet so there’s still time to see fall orchids blooming in western Pennsylvania.
Yellow Ladies’ Tresses (Spiranthes ochroleuca) are relatively common. Standing 4 to 21 inches tall, they grow in dry open habitats such as open woods, thickets or meadows and even by side of the road. Dianne Machesney photographed the one above at Moraine State Park.
October Ladies’ Tresses (Spiranthes ovalis), below, are so rare that they’re listed as endangered in Pennsylvania. Their USDA Pennsylvania map shows them occurring only in Lancaster County.
Despite this status, Dianne and Bob Machesney found them blooming at both McConnells Mill and Moraine State Parks on 19 September 2015.
You can find October Ladies’ Tresses this month in moist, shady woods or thickets, or along the edges of marshes. Keep your eyes peeled for a flower that’s 2 to 15 inches tall.