In mid-April I had the opportunity to guide KDKA’s Talk Pittsburgh hosts Heather Abraham and Boaz Frankel on a birding trip to Frick Park. We had a great time watching birds and talking about their behavior.
When Carla and Ecco’s third egg hatched on 24 April we expected that all three chicks would thrive but our expectations had to change as we watched the third chick in its first days of life. By yesterday afternoon it was apparent that the third chick had died. He had trouble feeding and never grew. Unfortunately he failed to thrive.
This slideshow from the National Aviary snapshot camera shows key moments that indicate he was not in good condition on 26-28 April. For instance:
During feedings the third chick faced away or fell down.
On 26 April he motored far from the group during a feeding.
By dawn on Sunday 28 April his body was flat and unresponsive. He had probably died overnight.
The remaining two chicks are growing rapidly and doing well. They are nearly too large to brood.
Now that the breeding season is here the air is filled with birdsong from dawn to dusk. Birds sing to claim territory and attract a mate, but they also appear to sing for the joy of joining others in song. Is the dawn chorus actually a community performance?
In the 1920s British cellist Beatrice Harrison discovered that when she played her cello in the garden the birds responded, approached, and sang along.
In 1924 the BBC recorded her playing in the garden with a nightingale joining in.
Fast forward to modern times. Two decades ago in Chicago, musician Lisa Rest lived in a third floor apartment whose windows were level with the tree canopy. On warm days she played her piano with the window open and eventually noticed that birds approached her window and sang while she was practicing.
Because Lisa has perfect pitch she could tell the birds were singing in key with her music. Soon she became interested in birds, continued playing music with them, and started a blog named Goldbird Variations. The birds were especially drawn when she played Bach’s Goldberg Variations.
Read how her journey began at her blog post below or click here to listen to Aria to the Goldberg by Lisa Rest in which she’s accompanied by house sparrow, house finch, white-throated sparrow and northern cardinal.
Last Thursday four of us made our annual pilgrimage to Enlow Fork on the border of Washington & Greene Counties(*) to look for wildflowers and birds. We saw carpets of blue-eyed Mary as well as fire pink, wild geranium and dwarf larkspur in both blue and white. (Can you see the tiny spider on the fire pink petal, above?)
Record-setting rain in the beginning of April left flood debris in the valley. Donna Foyle photographed the fallen trees that nearly hit the pedestrian bridge.
I tried to capture the water-swept mud and flood depth by photographing debris stuck in the trees. The high water mark here was up to my chin.
The floodwaters swept freshwater clams from their homes leaving their empty shells among the flood debris.
We didn’t see many birds at first, perhaps because it was so cold. By the time we were ready to walk back it had warmed up enough to see my First Of Year Baltimore oriole, rose-breasted grosbeak and scarlet tanager deep in the woods.
We also saw or heard seven warblers including Louisiana waterthrush, common yellowthroat, northern parula, redstart, Nashville, yellow and yellow-throated warblers.
At one point I put my bright hat (on top of my sun hat & headband) in case a distant wood thrush would notice. The thrush did not, but I earned the name “Golden-crowned Katelet.”
We had a great day among pale spring leaves and blue-eyed Marys.
Next week will be much warmer. Bring on the birds!
(*) Where is Enlow Fork?
The Enlow Fork of Wheeling Creek forms the boundary between Washington and Greene Counties in southwestern PA. When we say “Enlow Fork” we are referring to the northern section of PA State Gameland #302 on both sides of Enlow Fork creek. The Gamelands (unpaved) parking lot is at this pin drop:
(credits are in the captions. Thanks to Donna Foyle and Barb Griffith for contributing their photos)
Happy Friday! These unruly nuthatch tenants are now so famous that they were featured on BBC1 6 o’clock News on Wednesday. For added fun there was footage of the tawny owl babies (Strix aluco) who will soon take a look outside their nestbox.
Our fabulous nutty nuthatches and the tawny owls will be appearing on BBC 1, 6 o’clock news tonight, just before the weather! Watch out for them … and me ????????
p.s. to North Americans: Tawny owls don’t occur in North America but they are in the same genus as barred owls (Strix varia) whom they somewhat resemble.
The third chick at the Cathedral of Learning peregrine nest hatched last evening around 7:40pm. All day long he hammered on his shell, expanding the pip to a crack surrounding the egg. Just before nightfall he opened the shell and rested face down. Hatching is exhausting work!
You can see the open eggshell and the wet, pink chick in snapshots above and below.
After the third chick emerged it was time for the last feeding before dark. When Carla left to get the food we could see all three chicks (two white, one pink) as well as the remaining unhatched egg behind the open shell.
Ecco stepped in to keep the chicks warm while Carla prepared the food.
Ecco left as Carla returned with their sixth feeding of the day.
UPDATE, 28 April 2024, 3:30pm: Sad to say, the 3rd chick has died. He had trouble feeding and never got any larger. Both are signs of a failure to thrive.
(photos from the National Aviary snapshot camera at Univ of Pittsburgh)
After Jeff Cieslak discovered an immature male peregrine in Ben Avon on 5 April he’s returned often to the Spruce Run Bridge to check on the bird’s status. On 22 April Jeff was surprised to find the male had attracted a mate! The pair courted at the bridge, flew around, and posed in hillside trees (photo at top). Here’s Jeff’s series from Earth Day 2024.
Tarentum Bridge, Allegheny River:
Dave Brooke frequently records the Tarentum Bridge peregrine family. On 19 April he saw four chicks. On 23 April their growing wing and tail feathers were quite evident, though only two stood up enough to be seen. These birds will start ledge walking during the week of 6 May. The first will probably fledge on 11 May.
Westinghouse Bridge, Turtle Creek:
Peregrines have nested at the Westinghouse Bridge since at least 2010. Last Sunday, 21 April, Dana Nesiti found the male perched near the bridge. The female was probably busy incubating at the time.
Sewickley Bridge, Ohio River
Jeff Cieslak was disappointed to see the pair at the Sewickley Bridge mating again on 22 April. If their nest had been a success they would still be incubating, not mating. Jeff says this activity follows the typical pattern at Sewickley of repeated nest attempts but no young each year.
This list is not fully updated but will help you decide where to look for peregrines.
Yesterday two of Carla and Ecco’s four eggs hatched: one at 11:02am, the second at 15:28 (3:38pm). The evidence each time was the half eggshell that Carla pulled out from under her. She ate most of the shells immediately.
This morning the chicks ate just before sunrise, then slept in a heap (at top) while Carla took out the garbage. This slideshow highlights their first day of life including this morning’s feeding.
Today will be a big day for Chick#3 whose egg has a large pip. He will probably hatch today.
This morning at 11:02am the first of Carla and Ecco’s four eggs hatched at the Cathedral of Learning peregrine nest. Our glimpse was fleeting because Carla kept her back to the camera (above). Later in the hour she turned and we got a better view.
This slideshow from the streaming falconcam contains the best snapshots from the 11:00am hour with one chick, one pipped egg, and an empty eggshell. Carla ate the eggshell to regain the calcium she lost in laying the egg. The shell was nearly gone by noon.
You can see Ecco’s very brief visit at 11:42am in these video highlights.
He made another appearance in the 1:00 o’clock hour but I missed it.
This morning Carla periodically hunched over the eggs, rocked her body and appeared to vocalize to the eggs. This is typical mother peregrine behavior when she hears a chick hammering on its shell.
While hatching is underway the parent birds can hear the chick peeping inside the egg and can hear it the hammering on the shell. Hatching itself takes many hours but the first step we’ll see is a pip, an air hole that the chick punches to begin the process. Richmond Falconcam FAQ explains how long it takes for the tiny bird to hatch:
Hatching is an energetically demanding process. The young chick uses its egg tooth, a small knob on top of its bill, to hammer a pip (hole) in the egg. It periodically works to break the egg around the pip area, but rests much of the time. The entire process from initial pip to hatch can take up to 72 hours. All the eggs in a Peregrine Falcon clutch generally hatch “synchronously” (within 24–48 hours for a clutch of 4).