- 2007: Press coverage from March 2007 when Erie killed Pulse in a fight for the Pitt nest site (March 18), plus a Slideshow of the fight captured on the falconcam.
- 2008: Slideshow from the Pitt nest
- 2009: Slideshow from the Pitt nest
- 2010: Slideshows from Pitt and from the Gulf Tower
- 2011: Slideshows from Pitt and from the Gulf Tower
- 2012: Slideshow from Pitt
- 2013: Slideshow from Pitt
- 2014: Slideshow from the Gulf Tower
- 2015: Slideshow from Pitt, Video tribute to Dorothy (Pitt), 2015 highlights from Downtown
- 2016: Slideshows from Pitt and Downtown.
- 2017: Slideshows from Pitt and Downtown
- 2018: Two fledglings at Pitt, four chicks removed Downtown via USFW Taking Order (no slides)
- 2019: Two fledglings at Pitt; five Downtown
- 2020: Nest failed at Pitt; 3 fledglings Downtown
- 2021: Slideshow and videos from Pitt, Regional peregrine update 1 July 2021 + 62nd Street Bridge success
- 2022: Slideshows and videos from Pitt + a regional wrap-up of 2022
- 2023: Nest failed at Pitt because the female became eggbound; new female is “Carla”
- 2024: COMING SOON: Two fledglings at Pitt + a regional wrap-up
Is there someone or a group that is responsible for cleaning out the boxes and repairing the peregrin falcon boxes after fledging. The green outdoor carpet was ripped off from the front of the box and it is full of bird droppings and feathers. They could have removed the carpet when they removed the bird for examination and banding.
Linda, yes we will remove the carpet and clean the box this fall. Here’s all the news about the green carpet: http://www.birdsoutsidemywindow.org/2016/05/28/roll-out-the-green-carpet/